Brimming with Confidence


Sandy and Kim are grandparents to two confident boys. Yet, some years ago, it wasn’t quite like that. Both of their grandsons were diagnosed with dyslexia. “We have known others who have dyslexia, but to see our grandsons struggling was heartbreaking,” says Jim. “It’s more complicated than I thought. Figuring out how each individual learns and to maximize their abilities is key, and not easy.” “Some people might think, dyslexia is just about reading things backwards. But that’s simply not the case. There’s so much more that needs to be evaluated and considered,” adds Sandy. “Walking this journey with our grandsons and Haley’s Hope has taught us so much.”

The biggest impact for the boys was an increase in self-confidence. Each step they took with Haley’s Hope, they gained more and more. Before starting with Haley’s Hope, if somebody asked the boys to read, they would think of all kinds of excuses not to. “Now, to see them raise their hand in class because they want to read in front of other people, it’s amazing,” adds Sandy. “One night, I was spending some time with my grandson. He got up, went to get a book, sat down next to me – and wanted to read to me. Watching that scene of success and his sense of accomplishment says it all,” says Kim. “Just imagine what more Haley’s Hope can do when they can expand their programming to benefit even more children.” Having self-confidence is so important as a child becomes an adult. It will affect the rest of their life,” explains Sandy. “We can’t wait to see what our grandsons become!”