A Perceptual Processing Disorder


Sometimes, reading can be a challenging task not only for those with learning difficulties but also for people who experience symptoms of light sensitivity and visual processing problems.

Irlen Syndrome, or Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (SSS), is a visual perceptual processing disorder that is neurologically based. Symptoms occur from how the brain is processing various wavelengths of light and visual stimuli, it is not a vision issue. Perception, the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses, is a higher order of processing information and involves the brain’s ability to accurately process visual information easily and efficiently without stress.

The cornerstone of the Irlen Method is its precision-tinted colored overlays and filters. This technology can improve reading fluency, comfort, comprehension, attention, and concentration while reducing light sensitivity.

This specific issue tends to be present in multiple generations of a family and cannot currently be pinpointed through standardized educational, psychological, optometric, or medical examinations.  It can also be acquired through traumatic events and/or injuries including but not limited to concussions, car accidents, or sports-related injuries.  Irlen Syndrome can be present in populations with chronic migraines, learning disabilities, dyslexia, ADHD, and autism.

Source: Irlen Syndrome Foundation

Symptoms of
Irlen Syndrome

Symptoms of Irlen Syndrome can vary among individuals in severity and include:

  • Light Sensitivity: discomfort or difficulty working in bright lights, fluorescent lights, and/or being bothered by glare.

  • Inefficient Reading: Print, numbers, and music may become distorted, move, or become difficult to perceive.

  • Slow Reading Rate: Slow or choppy reading, or problems tracking

  • Attention Deficit: difficulty focusing, need to look away, becoming restless, or tired.

  • Poor Comprehension

  • Physical Symptoms: Headaches/Migraines, fatigue, strain, and tension

  • Poor Depth Perception

  • *Certain environmental factors can increase the symptoms experienced by each individual.

To take a self-test to see whether Irlen Syndrome is impacting you, visit: https://irlen.com/get-tested/

Our Services

Haley’s Hope has been working with Irlen syndrome since 2013 and has an accomplished screener and diagnostician who is dedicated to accurately identifying and correcting the challenges related to Irlen Syndrome. To get the process started and schedule your initial screening, click the “Contact us” button below.

Note: Colored lenses provided by optometrists and vision specialists to treat reading problems are NOT the same as the Irlen Method.

For more on Irlen Syndrome please visit the Irlen Institute’s Website at:


For more audio visual resources please visit the Irlen Syndrome Foundation’s Website at:


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