Forever Grateful


My name is Lou Dahl. My husband and I want to share a story with you. It’s about our two boys. Both have been diagnosed with dyslexia.

Our story begins with Charlie. When he was just three years old, we noticed he had difficulty rhyming, and identifying letters and sounds. By first grade, Charlie was really struggling. As parents, we were at a total loss. Tears, sadness and frustration had become part of our everyday routine. It wasn’t until Charlie brought home his first spelling test that we realized we had a much bigger issue on our hands.

I Googled Fargo Dyslexia and Haley’s Hope popped up. I made the call the very next morning. After testing, we learned Charlie is severely dyslexic. I am forever grateful for making that call to Haley’s Hope. Remembering that moment, I still become overwhelmed with emotion; tears running down my cheek.

I wondered what it must have felt like for my child to sit in class every day and have no idea what his teacher is trying to teach him. It was then that Kari, founder of Haley’s Hope, gave us the best advice; that is, to teach our son to enjoy learning and school again. Then at home, focus on doing things that make Charlie happy! Steadily, Haley’s Hope worked with Charlie to build his skills and teach him in a way so he can learn. What does it feel like to complete each level at Haley’s Hope? Charlie says it best: “Mom, every time I start a new level, I don’t like it. To be honest, it’s really hard. But when I complete it, I feel like I can do anything!

And that’s our story. An unmeasurable amount of gratefulness fills our hearts.

Thank you, Haley’s Hope!