
As we tell about dyslexia, we often see faces in the audience light up with new understanding. Most people have heard of it and know someone who has struggled, maybe even themselves. Few understand it.

We speak to community service groups and in university settings to students in teaching and health professions. We address teachers, the medical community and others looking to understand dyslexia.

Haley’s Hope is dedicated to change the way people recognize and understand the way those with dyslexia learn, either in person or through our educational videos. Contact jo@haleyshope.org to schedule your presentation or for more information.

Over 740 viewers to date!

“Your presentations were great! Just the right balance of examples and information. It was awesome to listen to people talking about dyslexia in the groups.”

Christine Litzinger, School Counselor Schroeder Middle School, Grand Forks Public Schools

Experience Dyslexia:

This emotional, intense experience reveals what it feels like to have the dyslexia, a language based learning disability. Participate in hands-on simulations designed to heighted your awareness of discriminating important auditory information, associating visual symbols to sounds, and testing your kinesthetic motor memory for writing. This is an experience you will not soon forget.

Inperson experience for audiences of 5 to 60 people.

Video 1: Why reading is not a natural skill.

The root of dyslexia lies in the breakdown of the brains ability to connect the sounds of our language to meaning. Language is a code, that needs to be recognized by the brain in order to process and make sense of it. For some, understanding the phonological code of language is simply impossible without explicit support.

To purchase access to “Why Reading is Not a Natural Skill”, click the link below.

Video 2, Recognizing Dyslexia: the why's, what's, and how's

Undiagnosed dyslexia tears children down piece by piece as they work to learn like their peers in the classroom. The development of reading skills starts at an early age and can be successfully identified through targeted assessments.

To purchase access to “Recongizing Dyslexia”, click the link below.

Video 3, Building the bridge to success.

Bridging the academic gaps dyslexic students face on a daily basis allows them to use their strengths instead of fighting their weaknesses. Tailored accommodations and modifications do not make a student successful; rather they become a catalyst for success.

To purchase access to “Building the Bridge to Success”, click the link below.

Copyright 2020 by Haley’s Hope. No part of these videos or documents may be reproduced in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, shared or otherwise without the written permission of the author.